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Architecture, Construction, Engineering, and Design

Photo of  two female Academies of Architecture, Construction, Engineering, and Design drawing at their desks


The Academy of Architecture, Construction, Engineering, and Design prepares students for construction and engineering careers through engaging in a rigorous problem-solving program of study that focuses on areas of architecture, construction, and engineering in a real-world application environment.

Construction Pathway

Curriculum is provided from the Home Builders Institute paired with industry level projects to prepare students for careers in the construction industry.

Four-Year Course of Study at Adams City High School
9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
 Construction Essentials  Construction 2  Construction 3  Capstone: Construction
 Fr Foundations  English 2  English 3  PFL
 English 1  Geometry  Algebra 2  English 4
 Algebra 1  Biology  Science Elective  Government/Civics
 Earth Science  World History  American History  WBL: Internship
 Geography  Physical Education/Health/Elective  Elective  
 Physical Education/Health/Elective  Spanish 1  Spanish 2  


Engineering Pathway

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is the curriculum source used for engineering students to achieve success while exploring through experimentation. PLTW Engineering encourages students to adopt a problem-solving mindset, engaging them in compelling, real-world challenges that help them become better collaborators and thinkers.

9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
 Engineering Essentials PLTW  Introduction to Engineering Design PLTW  Principles of Engineering PLTW  Engineering Design and Development
 Fr Foundations  English 2  English 3  PFL
 English 1  Geometry  Algebra 2  English 4
 Algebra 1  Biology  Science Elective  Government/Civics
 Earth Science  World History  American History  WBL: Internship
 Geography  Physical Education/Health/Elective  Elective  
 Physical Education/Health/Elective  Spanish 1  Spanish 2  

Teachers in Architecture, Construction, Engineering, and Design Academy

Teacher Subject Email
 Viktor LeFevre  Engineering
 Nick Kitterman  Construction
 Brian Degitz  RLA
 JeanieMae Hernal  Earth Science
 Isel Sapalaran  Geography